(919) 872-6004

Creative Corner Curriculum

The staff of Creative Corner offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum in every classroom.

Our Younger and Older Infant classrooms use the Small Wonders Curriculum.  In the Younger Infant class, the focus is on visual stimulation and the focus in the Older Infant class is on verbal stimulation.  Small Wonder Curriculum encourages physical, intellectual, and emotional growth as well as language development.

For our Toddlers and Young Twos classroom, we utilize the My Friends and Me Curriculum, which focus on developing confidence, personal identity and sharing skills, that being the major challenge for this age group.  It also helps with social development and encourages participation from the children through music, finger plays, drawing, and discussions.  The children are encouraged to make discoveries about themselves and their friends to help them make a healthy and realistic attitude about themselves as well as the world around them.

The curriculum we use in the Older Twos, Young Threes classroom is the Peabody Early Learning Curriculum.  This curriculum focuses on self-esteem issues and meeting community helpers and learning about what part they play in our daily lives.

For our Older Threes and Younger Fours classroom, we use the Alpha Time Letter People Curriculum.  The Letter People Curriculum helps early learners develop a strong foundation they will need for reading and writing success.  It works on oral language and listening skills, print awareness, letter identification as well as vocabulary development.  This is a phonic-based curriculum that we use in order to help the children prepare for our Pre K classroom.

The Pre K Classroom has, for us, the newest, most exciting curriculum.  The Creative Curriculum will focus on five domains that help children prepare for Kindergarten.  The five domains are:

  • Health and physical development

Example: Nutrition, hygiene, and self-help skills

  • Social-Emotional development

Example: Problem-solving, self-expression

  • Language and Communication

Example: Increasing vocabulary, reading and writing

  • Cognition and General Knowledge

Example: Math concept recognition, letters

  • Approaches toward learning

The children also learn respect and independence by allowing more responsibility with classroom duties.  This is just one more way we try to help prepare our children for the new world of elementary school.

Our School Age Program offers fun and interactive exchanges between the children and staff.  We offer assistance with homework during the school year as well as age appropriate activities for the children to participate in.  We encourage the older children to mentor the younger children by example and academically.  We also offer a full time summer camp program during the months of June, July, and August.