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Our Blog

Four Parenting Styles

Every grandmother and grandfather will tell you hilarious stories of their children when they were first born. Moreover, for every funny and touching story they have, they will be able to tell you another for every hardship they encountered. Parenting is something...

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Infant Milestones

Your baby’s ability to smile, crawl or take the first step are called developmental milestones.  During your baby’s first year, there are some developmental milestones that your son or daughter should exhibit.  As a parent, you can play a key role in your child’s...

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Summertime Safety for Babies

Every new parent enters their first summer season with a certain amount of reservation.  With so many things to be wary of, combined with the natural anxiety of being a new parent, it can be challenging to be confident about one's capabilities.  As any parent will...

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What To Do About A Toddler Biting And Kicking

While it can be embarrassing, frustrating, and sometimes frightening, for the most part, this type of behavior by toddlers is a normal phase that they all pass through. It is a part of their growth and development and usually results from frustration at not being able...

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Increasing Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Many people have a strong opinion on the importance of self-esteem in children.  Some people think too much emphasis is placed on self-esteem today. However, most believe strongly that self-esteem development is crucial in children. The truth is that both opinions are...

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Childhood Obesity on the Rise

Obesity in children has doubled for children between the ages of two and five since the 1970s. Alarming is an understatement; this is traumatic. Toddlers should not be overweight and according to a recent article, nearly half of America’s children will be obese by the...

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Toy for Your Child’s Age

Choosing the right toy for your child’s age is not just a matter of selecting a toy that will engage, entertain and educate them, it is also a matter of safety. If you’ve browsed the aisles of any toy store lately, you probably know that selecting the right toy can be...

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Baby Sign Language – Communication Before Speech

Prior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicating his needs to you. This can cause frustration for you both - yet there is a solution. Baby sign language is rapidly becoming popular as a means of recognizing - and responding to - a...

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